“And Nathanael said to him, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?”

Philip said to him, “Come and see.”

John 1:46 NKJV

(Read the whole story in John 1:35 – 46)

One of the things Pastor Ivan Williams, our director of the Ministerial Department for the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists, mentioned regarding “Connecting like Jesus” is to let people know you care and then people will wonder where you get all this caring, loving and kindness from.  And that’s when you connect people with the God who made things happen, the One who made you who are today.

These made me think of two disciples who instantly got transformed and became a disciple of Jesus upon encountering Him for the first time.  Andrew, a follower of John the Baptist met the Messiah (the Lamb of God) and he immediately left John and followed Jesus.  But the first thing he did right after his encounter with Jesus was to look for his brother, Peter.  He straight away shared the Good News and he brought him to meet Jesus.

Philip, on the other hand, has an even more special encounter.  Jesus went to Galilee and found Philip and asked him to follow Him. That started the cycle:  Philip did not want to keep the Good news to himself.  And the method he used in connecting people to Jesus is just by saying three words, “Come and See.” 

He sort of followed Jesus’ example (without hearing Him) in the previous verses in John 1 when Jesus noticed some people being curious about Him, He told them, “Come and See.”

These three Bethsaida “Bramaleans” followed Jesus’ way of connecting with people.  And that is why; Philip bravely invited a skeptical Nathanael, “Come and See”, to see it for himself, come and make up his own mind, and experience the Messiah himself, and not to take his word for it.  The modern Nathanaels might say, "Can anything good come out of Bramalea?"

Bramaleans, WE can say it! “Come and see,” simple, open, inviting words; maybe it’s as simple as saying to someone what your church means to you, or how it’s been helpful in your life; or inviting someone to come to the virtual worship and fellowship (to church) because they’re going through a tough time with work or family troubles. Maybe they’ve lost a spouse, a mother, a relative, a friend or they’re lonely. It's letting them know they are not alone.  Maybe they have a teen who might enjoy the friendship of the youth group.

This is not about forcing Jesus, your faith, or your church, on anyone. It’s about being willing to say to someone in some small way, “This is what gives me life and hope, and keeps me going.” “This is what God’s love means to me.” Maybe it is being willing to talk about how you feel God’s been at work in your life.

Don’t pass up the opportunity to invite someone to join our VBS, our Bible study series, our HSG meetings, our children's Sabbath School, our Sabbath services, our nature walks and talks… and many more. 

Come and see” are words anyone can learn to say. You can say them. I can say them. Don’t worry. You can do it. Try it. You’ll find a way. Just three little words, “Come and see.” God will do the rest.

Yours in Christ,



To Be Changed or Be Transformed
