“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.”

~ John 15:5


Thirty seven years of God’s leading, faithfulness and goodness!  Bramalea church family is ready to celebrate!  We have seen the evidences of how Jesus abided with us since the beginning until today. Jesus has seen us through the many challenges the church has encountered individually and corporately.  We stood firm and focused our vision on what we found – a passion not to live in the past – but to engage in the present and look ahead to what Jesus has in store for us in the future.


Relying on Divine guidance and providence, Bramalea remains one of the few churches in Ontario which maintains a Hybrid Worship Service Sabbath after Sabbath; a regular virtual Children’s Sabbath School; a very active and growing HSG ministry that has engaged all the other ministries into action and fulfilled many of its ideas, realized most of its visions yet still continues to evolve. And we have witnessed how we’ve grown.


The leadership and the members alike are relentless in enhancing our spiritual growth through sermon series by the Pastor, prayer meetings, HSG virtual meetings turning more in-person towards the start of the year, community involvement and extending help to those in need.  I could imagine Jesus’ nod of approval and smile of satisfaction.


Bramalea has definitely found its passion- it’s not mainly because of all our strategies, but it’s because we have learned from our past, especially during the pandemic years, not to rely on human efforts, but through our connection with the Lord Jesus Christ.  For only through Him we have learned to love fully, to share generously, and to worship in unity. We have seen our nothingness and we have embraced Jesus’ fullness. “For without Him, we can do nothing,” and that we truly believe.


Yes, Bramalea, as we go into the future, let us go with Jesus. The best years of our church family are yet to come. Let us let Only Jesus…


Happy 37th anniversary Bramalea!


Sound Body, Mind and Spirit


Sarimanok: Myth vs Truth